
Wednesday 18 February 2009

What lives have been touched by some of Newlyn's fishermen.

What have a surfing architect and a clog maker in common? Two different stories with, amongst others, links to Newlyn and fishing. Should bring back memories for anyone who crossed their paths at the time! And just for good measure some further links of a surfing nature. Any pictures, (like the tabletops which were in the shape of coffin lids) or more information on the comings and goings at the 'Graveyard' would be much appreciated!


  1. More a "boneyard" than a graveyard.

  2. The Graveyard was in fact a club for the literati of Penzance in the 60s in the basement of what is now a solicitors at the top of Morrab Rd!

  3. More a "boneyard" than a graveyard.


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