
Tuesday 2 December 2008

At the market

End of an era - Newlyn is about to lose one of its most significant vessels with the news that the Sowenna has been sold away to Ireland. When she arrived in Newlyn under the command of the relatively youthful, Ian 'Mitch' Mitchell she heralded a major change in the port - the first new vessel built to order of any size for well over twenty years, the first purpose built netter and the first boat to work on the continental shelf and in other innovative ways. Along with the Ar Bageergan and the Brittania V she chased the tuna using drift nets which attracted the unwelcome attention of Greenpeace activists - local fishermens' first taste of conflict with the burguoning 'Green' movement. A gallery of images from the time is available here.......
under dull grizzly skies the Ullapool registerd inshore vessel heads for the grounds....
with steady sardine fishing, FalFish staff are being kept busy loading transport with the night's work.....

in a week that saw one boat leave the port and the latest recruit become active and join the fleet, the Emma Louise lands to the fishmarket.

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