
Monday 22 September 2008

Autumnal equinox brings out the best in the weather

With some space down the quay, the Intution loads the waiting vivier lorry....
latest addition to the fleet, inshore boat, the Leon is having a major refit.....
still on the hard after her collision, a close-up of the damage to the starboard side of the Nantewas - here you can clearly see the direction and angle of damage caused by the bulbous bow of the vessel that is understood to have been involved, a container ship called the Herm.... the time of the collision, shortly before 10.00am, the weather was Easterly 2-3 under a clear sky - skipper Roger and crew Terry were mending one of the twin-rig trawls in the stern of the boat whilst dodging slowly ahead......with the container ship at 135 metres and just short of 10,000 tons and the Nantewas at 9.6metres and 36 tons it is nothing short of miraculous that these guys are still with us..... to give you some idea of the scale involved, the containers on the deck of this container ship are 12m long - almost 3m longer than the Nantewas.....
Monday's market was dotted with a substantial number of 'line caught' tags - and on bass too!....
there were also some boxes of quality from one of the few beamers to land....
with the grading machine back in action, the job of handling the Defiant's big trip of haddock was made much easier....
Charlie is kept on his toes as the plaice come down....
the conveyor, after passing over a weight sensor at the beginning of the line the flippers sort the fish by weight....into boxes below, ready to be pulled off when full to the tally section at the end of the line....
the tuna boat Charisma has her wheelhouse windows lit by the rising sun.....

and its time to scrub down the Lowestoft registered, Sea Spray after landing her shot of line caught pollack.

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