
Monday 18 August 2008

Wet skies indeed.

A single gull flies past Tom under very heavy wet skies that greet the Bay this morning...
the resident biggest twin-rigger lays ahead of the visiting Lerwick registered Alison Kay whic has just made her second landing from the deep water off to the Southwest...
despite the rain the iceworks area is getting a clean up......
part of the Alison Kay's trip on the market ready for the sale....
which included a box of monk cheeks, something that Saturday Kitchen's host chef James Martin would love to have had his hands on....
there were a few bass around for those willing to put the time in off the Runnelstone Reef as can be seen from Penberth Cove man, Robert George's efforts over the weekend...
father and son duo Stephen and Gary Leach, keen to get back to sea after landing, take on grub for the next foray out West of the Wolf with their twin-rig gear.

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