
Sunday 24 August 2008

Pete Goss and crew aboard the Spirit of Mystery arrive in newlyn

Just in case the visitors are caught short, Andy's Loos provide on Fish festival day.....
looking back from the bowsprit of the Spirit of Mystery as she lays in berth alongside the lifeboat...
skipper Pete Goss (2nd left) and crew: brother Andy (left), Pete's youngest son Eliot and Mark Maidment at the rear.....
you just have to have at least one Scotch sponsor on any boat worth its salt, in this case Talisker have come up with the support.....
down below immediately feels safe and secure with everything to hand making the most of the space that would have been the fishroom on the original boat...
a piece of oak from the Victory plays a part of the galley....
while another piece from the Cutty Sark provides the top to the galley table locker....
and American side-loading stove complete with flue from a German U-Boat will provide cabin warmth in colder climes.....
every part of the boat looks ship-shape and fit for purpose...
on the stern the Cornish flag will fly for them as they re-create the worlds first trans-oceanic voyage.

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