
Friday 8 August 2008

Blue in red out

Over in Penzance wet dock the Admiral Gordon has been attacked by the scaffolding company for a paint-up.....
no shortage of construction work on the islands it seems, bags of sand and gravel limed up on the dockside waiting to go aboard the supply ship....
Gry Maritha has her ends let go and makes her way in through the gaps.....
after being given a green light to go ahead.....
looks like the pubs are expecting to be busy....
she went into the dock pale blue and, unusually for a fishing boat, has now been given a new hull colour....
her old owner's bboat the Ajax also has a slightly different hull colour.....
Carol H about to enter the gaps for the first time in her new colours on the way to pick up 10 tons of ice......
with young Nathan fancying himself as the Cornish Leonardo de Caprio!......
high water on a big spring tide always attracts a bevvy of anglers down the back of the North Quay trying their luck.

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