
Sunday 13 July 2008

Signs of Summer at last

With a blue sky and SW breeze, conditions for sailing and flag-flying in the Bay were perfect...
the market is busy with boats putting their catches ashore to catch a Monday market starved of fish before heading back out to sea again.....
crabbers like the Dom Bosco get the chance for fresh bait, and bait doesn't come better than gurnards for crab.......
taking advantage of the weather the boys have a BBQ going on deck....
fresh boxes go aboard the Ocean Spirit from Brixham.....
while a solitary gull inspects the net on the Amanda....
all hands get to pull the boxes off to the cold store on the market...
narrowly missing closing time, Edwin heads up the harbour to land...
where there are sure signs that the summer season is upon us as a gaggle of 'trippers' watch the proceedings with interest.


  1. Nice to see blue sky!
    Have posted a old photo of newlyn i took a feww years back on my blog. Wonder if you can identify anything of interest?


    am working on it as I'm sure others will Chris!


    am working on it as I'm sure others will Chris!

  4. Nice to see blue sky!
    Have posted a old photo of newlyn i took a feww years back on my blog. Wonder if you can identify anything of interest?


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