
Wednesday 19 March 2008

So keen, they're running to buy fish!

Fish of the moment, the once humble gurnard is getting plenty of national newspaper column inches these days thanks to top chefs - and not before time too, a highly underrated fish!
the Ajax put ahsore a shot of ling this morning, not so often seen these days, back in the 60s & 70s Newlyn played host to a fleet of long-lining boats that chased the ling....
also in the Ajax's catch, 95 kilos of roe - you can tell what time of year we are in from them.....
Ocean Fish sell fresh and frozen fish apparently.....
another dramatic entrance through the curtains.....

The sardine boys were out till past midnight last night, their insulated tubs wait for collection by FalFish transport....
the buyers were so keen this morning on a market full of fish that some were seen running from one end to the other just to get in on the bidding action....
a full western end of the auction hall....
and some careful work with a small knife, what is she doing?
young Sam from CEFAS has just pulled an otolith from a pristine megrim sole - check out their invaluable contribution to the fishing industry....
king of the gurnard family, one of two tub gurnards up for auction....
the JTS is now being cut into sections....
and even has a drainage hole cut by
Clive down in her engine room bilges, no sign of Pendeen's master gas-axe man Dave Rhodda, must have slept in this morning!
all that's left of the JTS in one piece, the stern section....
not the only set of bare ribs in town it seems.

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