
Wednesday 6 February 2008

Hull remembers the worst three weeks in its long Fishing history

Many of the beamer fleet are in but the forecast is looking good - for a short patch....
the Nellie will be keen to get underway later today...
so for some, it's an early stroll down the to the boat before sailing...
as the sun comes up the JTS reveals her missing foremast....
some hi-tech row-locks are evident aboard the Row4Home Scilly Boys challenge
yet the oars look as though they are made of more traditional, tried and tested materials! I'd be looking at sheepskin for the seat covers knowing how vinyl seat covers fall to bits in wheelhouse chairs!

Today, Hessle Road in Hull became the focus of attention as thousands of people poured on to the road and stopped the traffic as the city gave up one minutes silence in memory of the 58 fishermen who lost their lives 40 years ago. The events, in what became known as the, 'triple trawler tragedy', made international news. One of the BBC video clips captures the strength of feeling with the women of Hull who were instrumental in making the changes that were to be introduced by way of improved communication and safety for the distant water fleet at the time. Sadly, even today, too many boats go down where mandatory safety devices fail, eg Margaretha Maria (see the 5th paragraph).

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