
Sunday 3 February 2008

Help solve a painting puzzle

Here the view looks towards the Old Quay and slip (before it was built in the late 1880s)at the far side of the harbour and shows a large rock formation to the left. Here is a photo taken in 1882 showing a rock formation, but much lower in height just to the left of the luggers drawn up on the beach). The artist would appear to have painted this belwo where the Suggler's Restaurant is today. We are trying to locate other paintings or drawings showing these rocks as they are no longer visible. It could be that the rocks were blasted away?
The watercolour, signed JC Uren, is in a private collection and is dated 1872.
An unusual aerial shot of the harbour taken while the New Quay was in the process of completion....
in the graveyard, surf's up!
while new Pendeen training gig Avarak gets some practice in out of the heavy seas.


  1. Artist possibly viewing from as far back as behind the Shippams site, rocks are close and only a few feet high? Plus artistic licence.

  2. We have wondered this, though the building to the right would place the artist around the Smugglers area - maps of the harbour that pre-date the recent developments (like the net store in fron of the Smugglers) show a low rocky outcrop around this area.

  3. Lynne Robinson
    I have a watercolour by J C Uren depicting a family in a wooden boat on a beach - the boat number is 393 PZ . In the background is a quay with a lighthouse at the end - two large wooden ships are tied up at the Quay. There are more smaller sailing boats on the sea. There is no date on the picture - Could this be a later painting after the quay was finished ?

  4. Thank you for that Lynne - any chance of emailing a photo of the picture?

  5. Thank you for that Lynne - any chance of emailing a photo of the picture?


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