
Sunday 24 February 2008

Cesca through the gaps for the last time sails for Milford

Ex Newlyn crabber Matthew Harvey made the local Scarborough news recently with this rather exuberant entry to the port under ecort from the inshore lifeboat - a vivid illustration of the difference between seas generated by wind on the Esat coast rather than those seas experienced in the Western Approaches that have travelled the breadth of the Atlantic.

Special beamer delivery waits on the quayside...
as the good ship Ajax sails at 8am on Sunday morning for a 20 plus hour steam West....
Maverick from Ramsgate is in port.....
no sign of oil for the prospectors down the quay.....
over on the slip, work is progressing creating a vivier aboard the ABS...
with the stanchions in the old fishroom clearly visible through the hull plating....
the remaining woodwork is taking shape for the Ripple....
with some deft work on show.......
just off the bow.....
good to see Tristan aboard the Silver Dawn putting his back into moving the ice chute!

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