
Monday 11 February 2008

But Newlyn fishermen catch up with him in Penzance Dock!

In Penzance dock, fisheries minister Johnathon Shaw is keen to discuss how new proposals would affect the angling fraternity....
when THAT pair of yellow wellies puts in an appearance on the dockside....
and 'Grimmy' Mike gets his point across about the amount of haddock he is catching and being forced to dump. 'Grimmy' tells the minister that his first haul this year saw him catch his January quota in one haul - and he's been unable to avoid catching haddock ever since forcing him to dump tons of perfectly good fish on a daily basis....
fellow Danmark skipper, Jeremy shows the minister his dumping figures to reinforce the point. The minister then walked down the quay chatting to anglers about the proposals.


  1. why dont those so called politic people just let you guys get on with your jobs and stop wasting good fish, why cant they just close a area of fishery in spawn season? there's plenty more sea to fish in, and get them foreign boats out and off our shore's.

    keep up the good work

  2. we'd love to but this is the way the world is - all hands must endeavour to work together and get the best deal they can - not always easy when there are many sides to the arguement!


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