
Friday 25 January 2008

Friday night Lightroom creative

With most of the beamer fleet at sea and a spring tide, harbour activity is low - so here's a chance to take advantage of the light at 'crepsicule' ......and some further enhancements using presets in a piece of software called Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.... a conjoining of the old and the new - fathom out the join between the new extension to the Orion gallery and the original granite building...but where has the tree come from?....
thankfully the door proper has been installed and replaced the rather ugly piece of plywood!.....
meanwhile 'Tom', is surrounded by excavation work being carried out to shore up the weakened beach area....
he can just be seen here between the steel containers and the earth moving kit....
and has a small dump truck for company this weekend....
in the harbour, Anthony Hosking's Silver Dawn is at rest alongside the fishmarket....
while the Valhalla's boxes wait alongside the iceworks to be put aboard...
the old JTA lays quietly in what used to be a busy berth. This is the first quiet spell of weather since last year, some boats might manage to get in a full trip at last!

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