
Sunday 9 December 2007

Seas of spume at Cape Cornwall

With NW gusts up to 89mph recorded at Lands End there's a wave in the 'graveyard' at the back of Newlyn's North quay...
but it's not for the feint hearted, at lowish water - that's rocks dead ahead!
and a fight for every good wave and head away from the quay wall asap.....
and keep your eyes peeled
and paddle like hell!the harbour's christmas tree is just holding up in the strong winds...
later in the day, Through the Gaps visited Cape Cornwall and Botallack....
Cardinney Campsite sign indicating just how fresh the breeze is....
te old mine working taking the full force of the storm...
and anyone bound round the Longships heading North would get this sort of view from the wheelhouse!

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