
Tuesday 6 November 2007

Silver darlings!

Dennis Pascoe casts a shadowy figure as he makes his way up from the pontoon moorings after putting ice aboard his punt for the next mornings fishing...
Ocean Fish's skipper,Peter on the Resolute gets ready to haul the ring net back aboard...
after sailing this morning at 0530 .....
and catching 15 tonnes of herring...
the boys managed to rip the net and spent all day and evening mending - worse still, when putting the net back aboard the net caught on a small bollard which resulted in another tear!
so its all hands to another hour's mending again!
over on the market, the Pride of Cornwall is puts their shot of herring ashore....
and a full haul at that....
a closer look over the shoulder of the landing crane...

Watch a short video of landing herring to the waiting insulated bins. Crazily this will come to an end almost as soon as the fishery has started as these inshore boats have all but exhausted their quota - the Dutch have the rest even though we won't see a boat of theirs fishing for herring any where near the Bay - what an unjust system we exist in given that the amount caught by these tiny (in comparison to the majority of the Dutch fleet) is but a tiny fraction of the quoat.

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