
Tuesday 30 October 2007

Side-knots, pick-ups and four-leggers

under the watchful eye of master net technician Geoff Davies, a few more meshed get added....
is it a side knot or pick-up?...
The first net mending course organised by Cornwall Fisheries Resource Centre proved a challenge for six students...

amongst those signed up for the course, ex fish-merchant and now boat owner Nick Howell (rear) is a picture of concentration...
Geoff Davies from South West Nets can't but help a wry smile as he checks out some mending from one of his students......
so a hands on approach is taken....
Waterford registered Mary Kate is back in Newlyn...
as another Stevenson boat puts her fish ashore....
and finally, the Jacoba, refit complete now has her scallop gear back aboard.


  1. I think, the WD-30 is at Newlyn for the first time.
    She is the ex-SC-30 Evert-Jan. German euro beamer


  2. Thanks for the info - I guess she could be a replacement for the previous Mary Kate seen on the blog last year?


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