
Wednesday 24 October 2007

End of the neap tide, last of the netters...

One ton on board, and still more pig iron ballast waits on the quay for the Ripple......
as the Ajax discharges her trip of net fish.....
check out the cranning pole John has rigged as a temporary measure....
time to close the main hatch......and tuck the Ripple in for the night....
a few tools get passed aboard ready for tomorrow's the moon rises over the Crystal Sea, still in port.....

back in the market the Ajax is landing....
alongside the Valhalla, Gary M and Huers....
coming out the fridge doorway.....
off go the Ajax's fish boxes....
as more are lifted out of the fishroom....
..stack 'em carefully......
and then get rid of the ice from the fishroom.....
followed by a brief chat....
and then ready for the next lift of boxes....
This is where they breed warp, the first photo ever of a warp's nest!lifted off for the Valhalla....
blue flashing lights!......

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