
Monday 10 September 2007

Chaos - it's Monday and Newlyn is end-to-end with fish!

Peter's drafted in new help and he'll be busy box-washing all day looking at the market this morning!
..the Berlewen from Padstow gets her boxes washed and back aboard the boat pronto!
tagged pole-caught tuna from the Charisma...
.. unusually for a netter, a few crayfish...Although only two beamers landed, the market was wall-to-wall fish this morning....
with several big gillnetter trips from the Berlewen, Ocean Spray and Carol H dominating the western end of the market. Pole-caught Charisma's tuna trip looked lost amongst the hundreds of netter boxes. Unusually, the Carol H landed a dozen boxes of spur-dogs.

Anyone who tasted the tuna from the Nova Spero was in for a treat!
Boxes go back aboardthe Carol H for a back-to-back trip.


  1. This is a Great Blog.
    Whatever happened to the William Samson featured on the "Skipper" programme that was on tv all those years ago.
    It is such a shame to see those beamers go for scrap, is there no market for such beautiful vessels.
    I have an old Scottish seiner , she can be seen on my " blogspot strathspey II"


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