
Friday 17 August 2007

Tuna here we come!

Stepping out for a new venture, skipper of the Nova Spero, Shaun Edwards is about to sail South on his maiden tuna voyage...
Perhaps not his best side, Baz supervises taking on fuel oil....
The Nova Spero sporting her brand new tuna poles fitted out at Tom's of Polruan.
The intent made clear in the form of a graphic on the side of the boat - you can follow the activities of all the boats involved on a daily basis by visiting the Cornish Tuna website and Quentin's blog.


  1. please pass on my regards to shaun edwards - a friend from long ago.
    Caroline Cartwright (now Jowett)

  2. Please pass on my regards to Shaun Edwards - an old friend from long ago. He may remember me!
    Caroline Cartwright

  3. Hi Caroline
    Managed to catch Shaun just before he sailed this morning - he smiled and said Hi!

  4. please pass on my regards to shaun edwards - a friend from long ago.
    Caroline Cartwright (now Jowett)


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