
Saturday 14 April 2007

Another misty start

Todays word: ake - a groove worked on the stone of an old fashioned KILLICK, making a holdfast for its LUDRAS - last heard in Mousehole.
Another busy Saturday morning in Newlyn Mission......
Today's visitors include a group from Slowfood Cornwall and their sprogs enjoying a hearty fisherman's breakfast - not quite slowfood yet in the mission though!
Looking across the green algae revealed at low water to the boats landing on Saturday morning.
The Trewar' is now minus her fuel tanks.
Golden Fleece, one of the Falmouth scallop fleet currently woking from Newlyn comes alngside to land.
Yet another direct landing goes to waiting transport.
More ling on the ground than the boats have seen in years, both the Ben My Chree and the Golden Harvest had touched on these fine white fish.
Boxes go back aboard the Ben My Chree.
At the seame time, scallops from the Jacqueline Anne come ashore.
Big skate featured in the Ben My Chree's trip.
Golden Fleece landing gets under way.
Bags of scallops exit the fishroom.
Brittania V makes a late landing.
FalFish are taking plenty of scallops.

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