
Monday 29 January 2007

Reperations continue in port

The 'Algrie' took a heavy sea which resulted in a wheelhouse window being stoved in during last Wednesday's Force 11 winds.
Someone's landed in France recently!
Seems Bob the Builder has landed new job as lookout on Stevenson's 'Cornishman'!

Both the 'Cornishman' and the 'St Georges' are undergoing substantial maintenance work at the moment.
The 'ABS', originally a sidewinder but long since converted to beam trawling is also undergoing major reconstructive surgery. The presence of top crab man Mr Rouse on the job is leading to speculation that we may be witnessing the ports first 'supercrabber' in the making! During her stay in the berth the 'ABS' has been eroding the edge of the quay it seems.
"Any ol' iron", some parts of the New Quay resemble the local scrapyard!

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