
Sunday 14 April 2024

Fine(r) weather at last over the weekend.

Time to head off to sea for breakfast...

as the handliners land at the market...

while others get ready to take on a few cuttle pots...

that last, long look ashore as the boat heads for the gaps away on another trip...

full steam ahead...

on a morning that for once is only mildly hinting at rain...

that's the landing sheet updated for Monday's market...

early season yellow-welly visitors...

some things are just not meant to be used as moorings...

Emi-Lou, all set to go back into the water after her paint-up...

at last the north quay is devoid of boats after a week of incessant strong winds and big tides...

once these little fellas begin to get those rusty-coloured feathers in their plumage they look to head west, for Canadian waters...

Sheila T looking good.