
Sunday 1 October 2023

ACT NOW – Just nine weeks left to claim I-VMS grant

Fishermen with under-12m vessels are being urged to ACT NOW to ensure they don’t lose out on grant funding for an I-VMS device.

Fishermen with under-12m vessels are being urged to ACT NOW to ensure they don’t lose out on grant funding for an I-VMS device ahead of the legal requirements coming into force next Spring.

As Marine Management Organisation (MMO) switches its main effort to supporting the vessels in the next phase of its roll-out, owners of larger vessels in the first phase, who are yet to act, are urged to buy a device and claim the grant without delay.

Peter Clark, MMO’s Director of Operations said:

“With just nine weeks to go before the deadline passes for grant funding for I-VMS, it’s vitally important for fishermen to act right now and order a device.

“I welcome the positive response from those vessels that we targeted with our initial support but there remain too many owners who are taking the risk of having to pick up the full cost because they’ve not ordered and paid for a device in time before the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund closes.”

Around 35% of the over-six-metre fleet has so far purchased a type-approved device. Over 85% of those making an order have already reclaimed their costs through the grants scheme with over £225,000 paid out since 4 September.

Mike Cohen, NFFO Chief Executive, said: 

"With the increasing spatial squeeze in UK waters, I-VMS is the best tool that the inshore fleet has for identifying and protecting their fishing grounds. “The evidence that it gives will be vital in demonstrating how important these areas are and defending our right to work them. “Funding is available for these devices, but there is a time limit. I would strongly encourage people to act now, to ensure that they have bought a device and made a claim for funding before the deadline.”


Fishermen purchasing an I-VMS device can claim grant funding of up to £1,050 per vessel by the 30 November deadline, and before the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund closes.

Fishermen yet to organise an I-VMS device for their vessel should follow MMO’s guidance, booking installations during the time periods identified for around 80% of English ports.

Anyone who delays arranging installation outside of the dates for their port should expect to wait until later in the roll-out programme for their device to be installed.

MMO expects the Statutory Instrument to come into force in April 2024.

Take action

Choose your preferred device. The two type approved devices are Fulcrum NEMO or Succorfish SC2.

Purchase device from supplier. You’ll typically receive payment confirmation on the same day.

Apply for grant funding before 30 November 2023. You can start your grant claim as soon as you have paid for your device and received proof of purchase – you do not need to wait for installation of a device to submit a grant application.

Receive your grant payment. On receipt of all required information, grant applications will be processed by MMO and payment will be issued to you within three to five working days.

Install device. 

The installation date should be arranged directly with suppliers and/or their engineers.

MMO continues to contact fishermen by letter and email to make sure all fishermen are aware of their options, and fishermen may also receive a phone call or text.