
Wednesday 12 July 2017

Midweek fish on Newlyn fish market.

Looks like its not only the gulls 'waiting for orders'...

a good mix of quality fish on the market this morning, including fish from those invisible netters...

megrims are still top of the bill for most of the beamers working the deeper water off to the SW...

while some of them target monk...

Dovers and lemons north side of Land's End...

all of which get the otolith treatment from Cefas Sam

the beamers always pickaway at a few good turbot...

a conger with chittlins, something of a delicacy in some parts apparently...

flying cod...

and a box of well-iced bass...

not so many mackerel this morning...

time of arrival for Mr Curtis on the Elsiabeth Veronique...

pull away...

the man with the smile...

unlike the grimace of the predatory hake...

a brace of blues...

a brace of oranges...

as young Mr Rowse heads to sea...

Unity, classic sailing boat.