
Thursday 28 August 2014

Useful lessons for the industry here in Cornwall from the GIFS food, fisheries and tourism conference recently held in Hastungs

These is just one of the presentations given during the GIFS conference in Hastings a few weeks ago - GIFS helped fund and provide the forum for discussions and knowledge to share how to work with food, fisheries and tourism. 

This was one of many presentations given during the course of the day and Led by Nausicaa and Taste South East:

"Today, 77% of fish stocks are fully exploited, over-exploited or exhausted. The growing demand for fish, linked both to increases in world population and an ever growing interest by consumers in the nutritional and dietetic qualities of fish, places considerable pressure on this resource. But how can we make a difference?

Associations, aquariums and institutes are working to increasingly raise the awareness of their consumers and to encourage them, through concrete daily actions, to become responsible consumers of seafood products, at home and away.

The mobilising of economic players, from fishermen to distributors, has become essential. However, this can only become effective and sustainable if consumers themselves also become active players through their unique and determining purchasing power, at the end of the supply chain, via selective and educated consumerism.

In this final session you can learn more about two exciting and successful "Catch to Plate" initiatives in the Interreg 2 Seas zone, as well as other responsible tourism initiatives featuring local food and seafood. We will also be joined by a restaurant chef who will tell us about the barriers to and opportunities of sourcing local food.
Local Catch: A web-based information hub to educate consumers and chefs about local species, where to find local fishermen, fishmongers and wholesalers who catch and sell locally caught seafood. The platform also gives information about seasonality, minimum size of the fish and its rating on the UK's sustainable fish list. It shows consumers and chefs how to cook and prepare local species and provides recipe ideas. This is a growing network developed by the industry. Find out how we use Local Catch to the benefit of the industry, encourage responsible tourism, and develop new supply chains as well as our plans for the future.
Mr.Goodfish which is a programme initiated by the World Ocean Network and developed by Nausicaa in France. Its aim is to inform and educate general public, and tourists about sustainable seafood consumption by enabling them to choose responsibly thereby preserving the sea's resources for the future generations. Positive recommendations are published quarterly, in the form of a list, made available on the internet and communicated to all contributing members, including fishmongers and restauranteurs.

How can you get involved? With this session, you will learn how to make more responsible choices and find key advice to choose and promote sustainable seafood for today and tomorrow. Testimonies of chefs using and selling locally produced food and locally caught seafood, will show you what is possible to do in the real life to be a more sustainable business."

The strategic target of this session comprises of all the component parts of the sector:

  • Fishermen, farmers and local producers
  • Wholesalers, processors, restaurant-owners and distributor
  • NGOs and other associations
  • Teachers 
  • Politicians
  • Public authorities
  • The media
  • Consumers and potential consumers of produce from the sea and land