
Thursday 14 August 2014

The True Price of Fish - a film by Grace Pascoe

Too many fishermen are losing their lives at sea.  As the UK’s most #dangerous profession commercial fishing has accounted for 87 deaths in the past 10 years.  One way to mitigate the dangers faced is to wear a lifejacket at sea.  However, just 25% of our 12,000 fishermen make this decision.
2014 campaigns have reignited the importance of fishermen wearing lifejackets.  This TV documentary explores the traditions, stories and resolutions behind this tricky relationship in the South West of England.
To find out more about each character click here.

This film was made by Grace Pascoe.

My name is Grace Pascoe, welcome to The True Price of Fish, the website accompanying my documentary film. 
My film explores the relationship between fishermen and lifejackets in the South West of England.  This documentary is the final project for my Multimedia Broadcast Journalism Master’s degree at Falmouth University. 
I’ve produced the entire documentary myself including research, self-shooting, interviewing and editing. If you want to know more about the production stages behind the documentary head over to my original blog which documents the journey. 
I hope you enjoy the film, any feedback is welcome! 
P.S. I have now finished my MA and am open to new career opportunities, if you think I would fit in well with your team please email me: or to find out more about my work to date visit my LinkedIn.