
Monday 18 August 2014

Monk on Monday

Looks like the ormac boys are about to start work replacing the huge granite facing stones on the prom...

whereas the diggers have just about done their work on Nelwyn Green...

with just a final section of handrail to be replaced...

Tom will be left in peace to do his job keeping watch...

it's Lionel that should be the one smiling as he now has an assistant for the first time in his life! -welcome to Lauren, the newest recruit to Newlyn harbour staff...

 three big trips from beam trawlers this morning...

keep the buyers busy bidding...

a good run of plaice just some of the fish 

wrestling with a big cod...

never keen to relinquish their otoliths...

the boats have to queue for ice...

community spirit from Debs in the Starr Inn

don't forget!