
Wednesday 23 July 2014

Top quality inshore fish in Nelwyn this morning

St Michael's Mount in the background, waking on one of these yachts must be tantamount to arriving in paradise who needs the tropics...

when you have pure gold in #Cornwall...

even the bathing pool is bathed in light...

though it will be made good long after the sea defences at Nelwyn have been completed, looks like the raft race will go ahead though - great news...

lovely inshore lemons...

and plenty of line caught pollack...

keep the inshore guys busy...

more invaluable fishing date being collected by Cefas Sam...

on a busy mainly inshore caught fish market...

though there are still precious few mackerel about...

the punts are fishing for pollack instead...

despite the warnings, there are still big landings of ray...

blondes and stars...

the recalcitrant French yacht that has managed to touch the bottom twice in as many days this week...

keeping the Ivan Ellen and the boys busy...

down the quay there's a few old timers on show...

visiting Brixham beaner Angel Emiel landed this morning...

sporting her modern design, bulbous bow and bow thruster...

a classic...

with a need for a little TLC below the waterline...

and above, showing what happens when fresh (rain) water gets to wood...

there's always a few strange beasts in Newlyn lurking around the corners

a classic painting from the 'father' of the Newlyn School of Art in self-portrait mode...

showing his hugely skillful brushwork...

to create the faces of his subjects...

which is up for auction at the forthcoming sale at WH Lane.