
Friday 25 October 2013

Not so fishy Friday! #eatmorefish

Stacked five high, prime Cornish 

hake from the Ajax...

in an otherwise empty market...

so it wasn't long before the data collection by Cefas drew to a close...

seems that these are the guys who get going when the going gets tough, all that mustered out of the eleven new fishing entrants for the fish market tour at 6am!...

where a big blue drew some gasps with its impressive set of dentures...

and Andy describing the one that got away...

bidding wars!, prices were very keen this morning with so little fish on the market - and that applied to all the other fish markets in England because of the poor weather......

just beam trawl fish from the St Georges this morning

and plenty of megs...

and a handful of inshore fish from a few boats that found somewhere to fish off lee shores.