
Saturday 14 May 2011

Tonight in print, the lighter side of Penzance in the dark - from 8 to 8.

Penzance Exchange Gallery - all quiet in the print room this morning.
23 artists ranging in age from 19 to 83 will descend on the Exchange Gallery in Penzance tonight as Museums and Galleries up and down the UK take part in the Museums at Night creative event.

The intrepid 23 are tasked with the daunting task of meeting, greeting, thinking, deciding, creating, producing and finally printing a book in the space of 12 hours commencing at 8pm this evening 'till 8am on Sunday morning!

There's a posting here from Cat Gibbard on the Museums at Night blog and ongoing details, as and when they happen will appear, on Newlyn Gallery's Twitter page here.

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