
Monday 11 April 2011

Sailing the Tectona - Plymouth Marine Network meeting.

On Thursday 14.4.2011 at 1830 at the Royal Plymouth Corinithian Yacht Club PL1 2NY, Maritime Plymouth's April networking meeting will be entitled SAIL PLYMOUTH and will feature 4 short talks about sail training activities locally, including "T.S. Tectona - Sail Training and its Value to Disadvantaged Persons."

Do come along if you can!


  1. I'm going on the Tectona boat on 28th of may 2011
    I'm really looking forward too go on it plus I have never been on a boat before.... see you soon Tectona.

  2. Hi Khyl - the Tectona will be an experience you'll never forget- let us know how you get on - especially if you can email us some pictures!


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