
Monday 18 April 2011

Quality Newlyn fish for sale!

"Now there's some fine looking fish"..........
 it was end-to-end with quality inshore fish this morning as so often is the case after a weekend of fine weather......
 from this superb shot of JDs.........
 to these magnifique monk........
 and a first time visit of Penzance registered, L'ogien PZ28........
 seen her inside the Defiant.........
 vive la vivier!.........
 big tides, a sea of rigging in the harbour........
 and flat calm with it.......
 there's much to do in the town over the coming weeks........
 and already folks are preparing for this year's Fish Festival.........
 and this particular evening class is rumoured to be heavily oversubscribed.......
 put this one in the diary for Saturday April the 30th, Newlyners at Work - sure to provokes ome comments from scalybacks and the like.......
 not just a rumour then.......
the swans were out early this morning.

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