
Monday 25 April 2011

Lamorna story update.

The recently discovered painting at the David Lay auction featured on the blog a few days ago has received some interesting feedback from various sources in St Ives - some suggesting that the boat in question may not be the Lamorna as referred to by the short note on the back of the work.........
Scanned advert courstesy of J McWilliams, St Ives.
John McWilliams has added this background information -

In the attached Lister Diesel advert from 1962, Skipper Willie Care, Bish's uncle, tells the story of them being caught out while lining in the Channel. The Lamorna SS 45 had no radio at the time so they didn't hear the forecast. Incidentally Willie used to complain that Listers never paid him a penny for this fulsome testimonial.

Chris Care's father John & two uncles Willie & George who owned the boat, were in her at the time of this 1962 storm.

The page (below) from Yachting World showing her plans, was published in 1955 when the Lamorna was built by Falmouth Boat Construction.

The painting by Edith Huxton Huxham is a French crabber, not a Cornish boat.

Chris Hibbert is quite right, the Lamorna was out here in the Channel, not off the coast of Ireland. He is also right that she went into Hayle, not St Ives...
around that time the magazine Yachting Monthly published line drawings of the boat.

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