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Friday, 10 November 2023

Almost all the fleet is in for a fresh #FishyFriday in Newlyn, apart from a few hardy souls toughing it out!

Anyone who loves in Newlyn will immediately recognise this sky, after plenty of westerly wind and rain, the wind has gone round to the north west and is blowing hard, no doubt the odd shower will pass overhead during the day which will keep all but the biggest boat in the port...


the last market of the week saw plenty of hake from the last of the netters to land, top quality fish from the Ygraine......

Britannia V...

and the Stelissa...

a good box of tub gurnards provided some colour...

while sharks...

and haddock just aded to the mix of fish for sale...

the Cornishman was the last beamer to land with megrim sole...

red mullet...

and some a box or three of bass...

along with lemons...



and signs that Jimmy was hitting the hard stuff, plenty of congers...

name this fish?...

and these ray...

each with their distinctive...

features on show,,,

not many whiting get landed these days partly owing to the bigger mesh size worked by the boats...

the only sardine boat to brave the heavy ground sea running last night was well rewarded with around fifteen tons of fish...

and a 110kg bluefin tuna, gutted, gilled and bled....

there's more than a few of these bonitos around too it seems...

he's broken in for the third time this week...

wile his mates sit on the windswept waters off the market...

RNLI-17-07, on passage from Poole...

yet another hardy yacht on passage...

squally weather...

the joys of mending on the quay at this time of year...

the largets trawler is still against the quay...

but the box-washing must go on.

Thursday, 9 November 2023

Win a CatchCam camera for free.

For most fishermen, their fishing gear is out of sight after shooting. Once the fishing gear is retrieved, fishermen must rely on their intuition to figure out why they had a good catch or not. CatchCam can help remove the guesswork from fishing. For instance, it can record if bycatch reduction devices are working as they should, allowing juvenile fish to escape and improving selectivity.


Click here for your chance to win a free CatchCam camera. 

Entries close on the 30th November 2023.

Monday, 6 November 2023

The fleet is at sea again in Newlyn!

With a forecast looking more benevolent after the shenanigans of storm Ciaran, all but a handful of the fleet are now at sea again...

with the market this morning almost entirely devoid of landings...


what there were fitted neatly into the back of the van...

a splash of colour on an otherwise dull, grey vista...

there's a wind-farm coming near you it seems...

another hardy yacht en passage...

in search of breakfast...

the Winter of Ladram between trips...

over in Penzance wet dock the beamers are resting...

as work continues on this Phoenix of a punt...

Rowse's latest crabber, the Michael Edward continues her fitting out...

that's it for the Scillonian III this season, who knows what next year will bring with Harland and Wolf showing an intention to run a high-speed ferry link to the Scillys.

Friday, 3 November 2023

Fish of the week 37 - shagreen ray


Shagreen ray, like all other rays and skate make excellent eating - a favourite in many people's eyes as they all have distinctive, meaty flavours. Hard to prepare, a fish that is much better left to the skills of your loocal fishmonger who will happily skin and trim your ray wings for you. If fish bones are a thing for you then ray wings are your go-to fish - being closely related to the shark family, the bones are cartilage ands easily removed or even eaten!

Shagreen ray are also one of those fish that have an interesting aspect to their place in the world of decorative fashionable items in that their skin has and in some places still is dried, cured and used as a material to adorn objects. The skin, like that of sharks has been used for centuries as a fine form of sandpaper to smooth and polish.

Fine #FishyFriday in Newlyn

Remnants of Thursday morning's visit from storm Ciaran are now safely moored at the head of the harbour...

as the sky clears and we get a temporary reprieve from westerly winds...

time to check the harbour website for the latest news as the analogue noticeboard went the way of many things during the storm...

riding high at high water...

the bigger boats will be looking to sail today, before the next wave of poor weather rushes in from the west.