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Showing posts with label Newlyn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Newlyn. Show all posts

Monday, 17 September 2018

Monday morning at Newlyn Fish Market

First of the hake netters to land this week after last week's huge equinoctial spring tide...

and the chance to use one of the harbour's new pallet trucks, though...

finding enough pallets to stack the fish boxes on was another matter, luckily young Edwin was on hand...

this week's hake...

come in all sizes...

with summer behind him young Roger Nowell has turned his attention to catching ray, nice landing of blondes, stars and undulate...

and the odd bull huss...

these top quality red mullet were soon sold...

while auctioneer Ian moved on to a landing from the beam trawler, Cornishman...

which included some whiter-than-white brill...

cuckoo ray...

lemon sole...


no danger of this shark losing its fins...

all set for tomorrow's auction, fish from the Amanda of Ladram...

the beady eye of the shark keeping an eye on the auction in progress...

there were just a few boxes of John Dory from the inshore boats...

along with some handline pollack...

and mackerel...

male rays have large claspers that they use for reproduction - buried under soft flaps of skin are a series of hook-like appendages...

name this fish...

plate sized turbot...

the tub gurnard, ask your local fishmonger for this fish - a treat indeed...

gridlocked forklifts at the market...

having steamed from her home port of Vigo nearly two weeks ago the Spanish Flag of Convenience vessel, Udra has called in to Newlyn to make one of her token fish landings in order to meet the regulations that apply to such vessels...

the size of the main winch drums tells you that she works her trawls in very deep water - up to and over 100 fathoms - the top layers visible on the drums are  'combination' - a mix of wire warp and polypropylene that is used for the long bridles - combination does not 'dig' into the seabed like wire bridles would on the softer ground that these boats work on...

the trawl is hauled up and over the stern of the boat along the trawl deck and then passed down below for getting and washing...

the boat carries a huge amount of spare trawls and net...

 - a necessity when you are working what would be a four day round trip just to get back to Vigo from the fishing grounds SW of Ireland...

the Udra in the deepest quayside berth in the harbour...

on a very murky Monday morning.

Saturday, 8 September 2018

Newlyn Harbour Development announces new plans and a new website during public consultations

Last night over 50 people in two groups attended the first public consultation presentations given by Lucy Parsons, project manager for the Newlyn Pier and Harbour Commissioners in the new fish market conference room. Lucy ran through some background to the proposed developments and fielded questions from the audience...

especially with regard to the very short timescale between revealing the plans and the final submission date - the middle of next month.

NP&HC are currently in the process of submitting the second phase of a funding bid to the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the EU Structural and Investment Fund (ESIF)Growth Programme 2014-2020 for part-funding of a £6.142m project with the aim of developing core harbour activity and high value employment.

If successful, NP&HC could accelerate their planned development programme to maximise useable space; further enhance the efficiency and safety of harbour operations; improve the public realm; screen off industrial traffic, and construct a number of high quality industrial units during the next three years.

Specifically, this programme would involve the phased replacement of harbour buildings on The Strand and the construction of six to eight industrial units on the site of the inshore lifeboat shed when the RNLI have relocated their activities to the new Penlee Lifeboat Station.

These units would be designed to complement Newlyn’s heritage, maximise views, provide professional, customer-facing facilities and improve both commercial and pedestrian access. Green spaces would be incorporated within the overall development and hidden history would be revealed in order to further enhance public amenity.

“By providing premises for a broader range of fisheries and marine industry as well as improving value for our existing tenants, we can create more well-paid jobs and provide the catalyst for other local businesses to prosper,” explains Harbour Master & Chief Executive Officer, Rob Parsons. “This proposed development is about improving the townscape, the traffic flow and the economic vitality of Newlyn so we look forward to sharing our plans with local people to demonstrate how they could benefit everyone in our diverse community.”

These public consultation events will incorporate a rolling programme of tours of the recently-refurbished Fish Market and information slides in the Board Room between 5pm and 7pm on Friday 7thSeptember and 9am and 12 noon on Saturday 8th September. Further updates will be posted to the harbour's website for those who are unable to attend.

The meetings were told that the current Brexit situation had seriously eroded into the time left available to bid for EU (mainly ERDF) funding.

Saturday, 1 September 2018

Newlyn Harbour regeneration public consultation - go along and check out the plans.

Marine & Coastal Access Act 2009 – Application for Newlyn Harbour Workspace Regeneration

For the 'Canner Slip' read as the 'Canners' Slip' - known as such because Shipphams used to can pilchards (before they became sardines) in the building that is now Trelawney Fish.

Two boats moored just off the Canners' Slip as it was in the 1950s.
(Photo courtesy of the Newlyn Archive)

Looking back towards the fish market and Newlyn Town.

Looking at the new works buildings frontage from the harbour

Next Friday and Saturday there will be an opportunity to view and discuss the proposed new workspace building and car parking plans for the area between the Canner's Slip and the new RNLI Lifeboat House (currently under construction).

Plans and harbour board members and a consultant will be in attendance on:

When?   - Friday 7th Sept 5-7pm and Saturday 8th Sept 9-12am.

Where?  - boardroom inside the new fish market office area.

The plans, photographs and artists impressions of the new buildings can be viewed in the document below:


Notice is hereby given that Newlyn Pier and Harbour Commissioners, Newlyn Harbour, The Strand, Newlyn, TR18 5HW has applied to the Marine Management Organisation under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009, Part 4, for a marine licence to undertake regeneration works at Newlyn Harbour. Plans showing the position of the works may be inspected at Newlyn Harbour Office, The Strand, Newlyn, Penzance TR18 5HW.
Copies of the application and associated information may be viewed on line in the Public Register and Representations in respect of the application should ordinarily be made by visiting the MMO public register:
However, we will also accept representations via the following formats:
– By email to marine.consents@marinemanagement.org.uk; or alternatively
– By letter addressed to Marine Management Organisation, Lancaster House, Hampshire Court, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 7YH
In all cases, correspondence must:
– Be received within 28 days of the date of the first notice (2);
– Quote the case reference; and
– include an address to which correspondence relating to the representation or objection may be sent.
The Marine Management Organisation will pass to the applicant a copy of any objection or representation we receive.
Thursday 23 August 2018

For the latest information check out the Newlyn Harbour website or make contact using the above details.

Friday, 15 June 2018

Cyrus Todiwala, shellfish champion of Great Britain!

Nothing could highlight the lure of fresh fish and fresh Cornish fish in particular than the sight of one of the country's best loved chefs out on a boat actively involved in hauling aboard the main ingredient for his quayside shellfish cooking demonstration!

With his enthusiasm truly matched by the flavours of his very special but easily doable Parsi influenced cuisine, Cyrus Todiwala from Cafe Spice cooks and talks passionately about the spider crab - a hidden gem found in increasing numbers all round the coast of Cornwall and soon to be found on the wet-fish counter  and restaurant menus near you!

Email in any questions you might have about to fishermen like lobsterman Andrew Stevens about catching, cooking or sourcing this truly under-appreciated but abundant fish.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Newlyn International Film Festival Programme

Download or print off the programme.

There will be series of screenings of shortlisted and prizewinning films in each category throughout the festival, together with a number of talks by leading filmmakers on documentary and emergent forms of film. Special screenings of SW Film-makers, Poetry films and Student films will also be featured.


Friday 6th April The Centre Chywoone Hill, Newlyn, Penzance, Cornwall. TR18 5AR

4.00pm Welcome and Registration/Tea
5.00pm Di Taylor and Anthea Page Cornish Film showing
Man Engine/George Lloyd from Redcliffe films
6.00-7.30 pm Pizza Supper break and reception
7.30 -8.30 pm Student Film Showing
8.30-9.30 pm Animation Film Showing

Saturday 7th April The Centre Chywoone Hill

10.00 am Coffee
10.30 – 11.30 am Talk: Keeping Your Head Above Water by
Jon Dovey
11.30 – 11.55 pm Talk: The Raven Flies
12.00-1.15 pm SW Film-Makers Film programme showing

1.00pm -2.30 pm Lunch and Networking (homemade lunch available from the festival cafe:quiche and salad £5.00.)

2.30 – 4.15 pm Fiction Films Introduction: Maria Livesey
4.15 – 4.45 pm Tea, cakes and networking/4.15pm to 4.45pm Lyn Aubrey
Living on the Edge documentary about living in a quarry near St Just.
4.45- 5.15 pm Talk: Book of Hours from Lucy English
5.15 – 6.00 pm Poetry Film showing
6.00 – 7.30 pm Supper
8.00pm till late Festival Party 7.30 until late/ 9.00 pm 
Badlands Blues Band Penlee Bowls Club. Entry (£5.00 on door)

Sunday 8th April

10.30 am-12.30 am Tolcarne Inn Tea, cakes and networking (Ticketed but

The Centre Chywoone Hill

1.00-1.45 pm Talk: Documentary and Truth Telling
Colin Thomas
1.45-3.15 pm Documentary Film showing (Introduction Jon
Dovey and Colin Thomas)
(tea coffee and cake from the Festival cafe available
during the afternoon)
3.15-4.15 pm Winners Compilation
4.15-5.00 pm Awards and Judges feed back Q&A

Monday, 5 February 2018

Monday morning's market on Newlyn fish auction

Buyers busy bidding amids...

a sea of black ink...


tub gurnards...


and more bass just some of the superb fish being put ashore on Monday's market in Newlyyn...

though young Roger's smattering of John Dory is merely a taster for the summer when these fabulous eating fish will be in season congregating around the rocky approaches to the Scillys...

spot the difference? - these are not Dover sole but sand soles...

these are Dover soles...

mighty meaty ray wings...

and some huge plaice form the Sapphire II...

along with lemons form the Trevessa V...

and a handful of handline mackerel...

get whisked away pronto...

big boats catch big fish...

the truly tenacious cuttlefish...

leaves its mark on the market floor...

outside its 0° so Edwin moves fast...

no light yet, the Vesta is still under wraps...

as the day breaks on a clear but chilly morning...

its time to take fuel for the big beamer, Sapphire II...

looking across the promenade to the Mount at first light...

as the Lamorna heads in Through the Gaps.