
Tuesday 13 July 2021

Student's Cornish Cuttle Fishery survey.

Through the Gaps is often approached by students working on a wide range of subjects to help complete their final research projects - from creative subjects to marine studies. The latest such request came for Danielle Grumann at the University of Plymouth who was fascinated - as many people are - by cuttlefish! She came to discover that the humble cuttlefish, though not consumed to any extent in the UK is a firm favourite with countries like Spain, Portugal and Italy. Her initial research also told her that many fishermen rely on cuttles to make a contribution to their annual income - some more than others - ranging in method from traps to beam trawls.

Please help Danielle to complete her degree by competing her survey which will in turn provide more detailed and valuable information about the cuttlefish fishery.

Research Project: Investigating the sustainability of the cuttle fishery in Cornwall.

What is this research about?

You are invited to take part in this research as an interviewee. Before we go any further, please read this information sheet carefully and understand what you might expect to do and what it will involve. You may discuss with others if you wish. Feel free to ask us if you need more information. Please consider if you want to take part or not in this research study.

What is the project’s purpose?

The purpose of the project is to gather information about the sustainability of the cuttle fishery in Cornwall. The principal investigator is hoping to gather information from direct stakeholders via a questionnaire. The questionnaire aims to gather the opinions of the Cornish fishers and provide them with a platform to have their voice heard. The project is in partnership with Cornwall Wildlife Trust (CWT) who will have access to the final project report. The final report will not make recommendations for management but will help accurately inform CWT (and others) on the fishery and the fishers opinions.

This questionnaire is your opportunity to have your opinion on the sustainability of the Cornish cuttle fishery heard.

Will my taking part in this project be kept confidential?

The information collected by the questionnaire will be stored securely, kept confidential and cannot be used to identify you. You will not be able to be identified in any reports or publications either. Your anonymous responses will only be accessed by the Principal Investigator for the purpose of the research project outlined above.

Who is organising and funding the research?

This project is part of the MSc Marine Conservation degree at the University of Plymouth, Faculty of Science and Environment.

Contact for further information:

School of Biological and Marine Sciences

Plymouth University Drake Circus, Plymouth PL48AA