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Monday 2 November 2009

BBC1 regional programme Inside Out tonight at 7.30pm - compulsory viewing

No doubt there will be much interest and some strong local viewing figures when the BBC1 programme, Inside Out, does Newlyn's new fish market this evening at 7.30pm. The MFA have now said that they are happy for things to progress (regarding the proposed new fish market) with the news that the harbour commissioners will soon be adopting a new constitution that will see the number of commissioners increased to ten.

Making the unmissable unmissable, BBC iPlayer will give anyone the chance to see the show from outisde the region.

Monday market

In complete contrast to Sunday morning, Monday's skies are almost full of light and almost no wind......
a few boxes of skate are up for auction.....
along with some good looking plaice......
and a good run of winter mackerel making an appearance.....
snapped up by South Coast Fisheries are these tasty scad......
top quality shot from the Tracy Claire includes a good run of monk tails, cod, ray and a few turbot and brill.....
weighing in at over half a stone the Storm Petrol will be looking for a top-dollar price for this beautiful bass.....
the western end of the market played host to a couple of netter trips that arrived over the weekend......
with these monster 6+ kilo hakes......
an early fuel stop for some.

Sunday 1 November 2009

First winter gale sets in

No chance of confusing ownership of these net bins.....
with the weather a tad inclement outside the gaps a few hardened anglers take shelter angling from the comfort of a pontoon berth.....
out in the Bay, the gale force winds have veered west nor'westerly almost obscuring the Anglian Princess on station.....
the result of strong onshore wind on a southerly facing shore - plenty of weed.

Saturday 31 October 2009

Anchovies top the headlines for all the wrong reasons

Two boats and two decent hauls of anchovies off the Devon coast earlier this week prompts an immediate frenzy of mis-reporting in the national press - global warming and an imminent Franco-Spanish fishing invasion to cite just two examples of the need to create rather than report the news. The fish are found well inside any fishing limits and there are records going back years of anchovy being caught around the coast of the UK.

Daily Mail

Time online

Daily Telegraph

and more xenophobia from the Daily Express

and somewhere along the way the fish suddenly become Cornish!

On ice

late Friday evening and a couple of smaller netters get their fish ashore.....
along with the Britannia IV landing to a lorry.

Friday 30 October 2009

MPA day at the Resource Centre

Date check for the Finding Sanctuary MPA day at the Cornwall Fisheries Resource Centre - it is on Wednesday the 4th November and not Monday as previously indicated here!

October's final Friday finds fresh fish fogbound.

Dull and dismal with nothing visible beyond the quay looking towards St Michael's Mount this morning.....
but indoors, in the bright and more cheerful surroundings of Newlyn Harbour Cafe a bunch of 'Mission rejects' as dubbed by cafe regular Jake, take early morning tea and discuss the state of the nation, tea and toast topics included anchovies and scad......
along the road and past the ice works, Keel Alley reflects a change in season.......
at the market, the netters CKS and Ben My Chree.......
in the market, a couple of unusually large bream keep a lonely red mullet company.....
and, at close on 57cm (if Sam from CEFAS had stretched him a little), this has to be one of the biggest dover soles on the market for some time......
caught by the Catherine Anne from Cadgwith and weighing in at close on 3kgs -bought by Smarts Prime Fish and possibly headed off to Kenny Everett (yes, he's alive and well and still stuffing fish in Truro), or possibly for a fine family feast for four.....
hake, not so benign in either looks or disposition, (hence the term 'hakers', used by Newlyn men when referring to their north-coast cousins from St Ives), examples of some of the most predatory fish in home waters......
and a couple of porbeagles to keep them company.......
peering above the ice, the bright green eye of a spur dog, much loved by London fish and chip shops and sold as rock salmon - an early form of marketing for an otherwise unsavoury sounding fish......
Lisa, unlike her namesake unable to play the saxophone, long time workhorse for the Stevenson fleet, gets her annual paint job..