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Wednesday 4 July 2007

Art Barn - Newlyn Orion Gallery extension nears completion

Gulls hunt for scraps!End elevation of the Orion extension....
Some locals view the new build as a scantle slate clad barn
resting on an enormous glass brick!

Monday 2 July 2007

Come rain, wind or snow.... they will smoke on!

Newlyn's Star Inn ever mindful of its customer's needs has provided a serious smoking shelter. Perry (in orange overall) and the rest of the troops show their appreciation in the rain.

Nigel does his 'Titanic' impersonation on the bow of the George Johannes as she makes her way to the slip cradle.Harbour Master Andrew Munson watches from the winchhouse.
The starboard derrick has been dropped to keep her steady.Hardy French crew enter Nelwyn after what must have been a poor passage given the forecast!
The Bryan D is nearly 'burnt' down to the waterline.
What a cracking little sailboat this one is - modelled on a Falmouth Pilot boat perhaps?

Sunday 1 July 2007

Its fresh today!

Penzance pub, The Peruvian Arms made the national news a few weeks back when it attempted to become the Peruvian Embassy in Cornwall in order to bypass the no smoking law due July 1st. However, landlady Debbie's bid to remain a smoking pub failed - hence the enormous stainless steel ashtray that now hangs the outsde of the pub!
A fresh breeze blows across Mounts Bay this morning.

Saturday 30 June 2007

"current situation cannot be ignored" need for change plea from local fishermen

Ten well known local fishermen have publicised their feelings towards the ongoing management of Newlyn Harbour in a letter to the local weekly newspaper, 'The Cornishman'.

"The current situation cannot be ignored,
Newlyn is poorly managed in comparison to other fishing ports in the South West and throughout the UK. This is illustrated by an increasing number of vessels landing their catches away from the Newlyn.

There is no market management to speak of, vessels movements and berthing appear haphazard and not solely dependent on the vessels' requirements, and the ongoing regeneration is surrounded by rumour and hearsay, not fact. Ultimately, it is the harbour
commissioners who are responsible for this situation, but the Newlyn
Fisheries Project Officer has not helped the situation with poor communication that has at times, contributed to the problems rather than attempting to move the situation forward.

That said, we do have to acknowledge some good things that the
Commissioners have done recently. The new pontoons, landing davits and fridges on the market have been examples of attempts by the Commissioners to improve things for the fishing industry, but without improved management the overall benefits have not been what they might have. Despite perceptions, we believe there is a bright future for the fishing industry in Newlyn. However, this will require improvements in infrastructure (i.e. new market) and a new management regime that reflects the the fishing industry's needs. Where fishing ports are being run successfully there are generally independent organisations running the markets and other facilities for the benefit
of the port concerned.

A future for the fishing industry is a future for
Newlyn, as the two are inextricably linked, with the wider community benefits flowing from a buoyant fishing industry in Newlyn. It is time for the Commissioners to take this forward and pull Newlyn Harbour through this situation. Whether they feel able or competent to do so themselves, or whether they need to step aside and allow a more skilled team to guide Newlyn through this transition, is a matter for them to consider. They must remember that the future of Newlyn is at stake and make the right decision. There is no reason why Newlyn
should not once again be England's premier port, but change must happen and it must happen now"

As if to re-inforce the point, this Saturday saw only two boats land in Newlyn (four other beamers were due) and both consigned their fish to Plymouth fish market by lorry - see pictures above. The future of the port needs all those concerned to talk this through - pretending there isn't a problem will not serve any groups interests for future generations to come.
Skipper Shaun Edwards (above) wrote to the local paper recently expressing his concern for the future - his fish were landed to a waiting bound for Plymouth Fish Market.'No smoking in the workplace' - that's one way round the new rules! Happy in his work and enjoying a smoke aboard the Sapphire. St George's beam in preparation for the end of her massive refit. Gear time on the Cornishman. Some of Stevo's shore staff getting some practice in for this year's Fish Festival box pushing race. Great smile Zac!, crew on the Nova Spero.

Wednesday 27 June 2007

!0 stone kits - remember them?

The Crystal Sea after landing - she will soon be sailing away to new home. Her replacement will be the first large steel trawler to come to Newlyn since the Dumnonia back in the 1980s.
Here's one use for an old 10st kit - for those not familiar with the Imperial weights : 16 ounces= 1 pound, 14 pounds(lb) = one stone, 8 stone(st) = one hundredweight(cwt), 20 hundredweights = one ton. One kilo = 2.2 pounds, one stone = 6.4 kilos.

Fish like dogs, ling, pollack, coley and ray or skate were put in kits on the market.

Tuesday 26 June 2007

Steady she goes!

Brixham beamer Our Zoe Ann pumps her fishroom out after landing...
Even ashore the fish get hands on attention from the crew it seems!

Monday 25 June 2007

This Monday market's high quality fish

"King of the Sea" as chef Keith Floyd would say! - line caught bass from the Richard Tomlinson's Blithe SpiritThe Northumbrian Valhalla put ashore a fine trip including these John Dory

Valhalla alongside the fish market
Buyers gather round Girl Patricia's quality run of hakeA box of 4-6kg hake from the Girl Patricia's trip