
Thursday 5 March 2015

Kernow bys vyken! Happy St Piran's Day! and #EatMoreFish !

from sunny Newlyn...

where the lights are on the prom...

and the sun about to put in an appearance...

as Pam Spriggs and James Churchfiled from Radio Cornwall's Breakfast programme celebrate St Piran's day on the fish market here talking to top auctioneer Ian Oliver...

in the saffron bun-laden hands of Cornwall Food and Drink saying @ChooseCornish with...

fish merchant and Newlyn Harbour Commissioner, Rob Wing takes the opportunity to celebrate the port's position as the home of the finest fresh fish...

clock-watching, like a scene from Alice in Wonderland, James gets to cue in the seven o'clock news on time......

while right on cue the overhead air traffic carves a huge St Piran's Day cross in the sky...

as the sun breaks out over the horizon...

allowing a few tubs of Cornish Sardines about to wing their way to Falmouth for processing...

the harbour is almost empty of boats...

though out in the Bay a handful of handliners are working a shoal of mackerel near the Mount...

in Penzance Town the stage is set for a whole range of festivities starting with 600 children dancing the Penzance Furry Dance down Causewayhead before all hands make their way to Morrab Gardens for a huge rendition of Trelawney!