
Friday 6 March 2015

Are there really plenty more fish in the sea? a lecture at Plymouth University Marine Institute

Check out one of feeds from the talk last night:

University of Plymouth Mritime Studies held a conference last night with the working title:

Are there really plenty more fish in the sea?

We commonly use the phrase “don’t worry, there are plenty more fish in the sea” but with global issues such as overfishing, pollution and climate change impacting our oceans, how true is this statement?

You are invited to this latest Marine Institute public event to find out more. The event will provide an overview of how our seas and the fish populations within them have changed, assess the status of the world’s sharks and demonstrate what the SW fishing industry is doing nowadays to make a difference.

What's happening to our seas and what can we do? 

Professor Martin Attrill, Director of Plymouth University Marine Institute

Professor Martin Attrill is a marine ecologist and Director of Plymouth University’s Marine Institute. His research interests focus on marine biodiversity patterns in time and space and how human activities can impact those patterns, and he has worked on fish and invertebrates in diverse habitats such estuaries, seagrass beds, coral reefs and the open ocean. He is currently particularly interested in the ecological and socio-economic impacts on the marine environment of Marine Protected Areas and Renewable Energy.

British wild seafood – responsibly and sustainably caught?... you decide! 

Andrew Pillar, Fleet Manager, Interfish Ltd, Plymouth

Andrew Pillar has 15 years’ experience within the UK fishing industry, managing pelagic and demersal fisheries (oily fish and white fish). Andrew has managed demersal fisheries around Devon, Cornwall and the English Channel and pelagic fisheries across Europe and international waters. His areas of experience and expertise lie in fisheries and sustainability advice to UK retail clients, sustainability advice to international seafood brands, marine conservation (including advising the Marine Conservation Society) and he is a member of SEAFISH Pelagic Advisory Board.

Contact the Events Team for further information (tel: 01752 586005 /