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Thursday 4 September 2014

Newlyn harbour's new Advisory Board members get the harbour tour

Newly appointed members of the NPHC Advisory Board met last night for the first time as an informal get together and were given a tour of the harbour by harbourmaster Rob Parsons. Gilbert McCabe, chair of the commissioners and Rob Wing walked and talked in support.

The aptly named  Go For It! makes her way to the fish market to land...

as harbourmaster Rob Parsons...

takes the newly appointed members of the Advisory Board on a tour of the harbour...

where some of the changes under his new leadership are already self-evident, like recently appointed assistant harbour master Paul Oliver on evening walkabout...

the harbour is at the heart of the community in Newlyn, the harbour office flying at half mast evidence of that closeness...

where danger is never far from people's minds as the two lifeboats are testimony to...

an industry striving to create a better future for the men who work in it, here a new small-scale fish pumping system get demonstrated to the skippers of some of the local sardine boats...

as tyhe evening sees the rest of the day boats...

make their way to the fish market.

NPHC Advisory Board

The new Advisory Board will meet for the first time in October when they will get the chance to elect a chairperson and familarise themselves with their role and responsibilities.

Board members represent a broad cross section of the local community from the local church, ex-fish merchant, fishing skippers to IFCA, Green Cornwall Programme Manager and a Marketing Specialist!

Ford Steven

Jeremy Hosking
Joe Clive
John Moreland
Keith Owen
Laurence Hartwell
Paul Trebilcock
Sam Winters
Simon Cadman
The Good Governance Guide stipulated that each Trust port should work with a nominated Advisory Board to put in place a system of checks annd balances.  The terms under which the AB operates is outlined below:

Role and Responsibilities

The Commission will convey to the Advisory Body the issues that they plan to address over not less than a 3-month period, so that the Advisory Body can offer advice and guidance.
The Advisory Body will
  • Consider as a basis for their work, the Operational and Strategic Business Plans of the Commission, so that they can input in a timely manner.
  • Independently determine issues that they wish to address in relation to the governance and management of NPHC operations.
  • Respond to requests from the Commission or any of its committees for advice and guidance.
  • Keep abreast of activities in the harbour and discuss matters of concern.
  • Address issues raised with them by other stakeholders.
  • Make recommendations based on their discussions for the consideration of the Commission or a Committee of the Commission.
  • Meet jointly with the Commission from time to time to discuss strategy and future plans.
  • Provide members to panels set up by the Commissioners requiring independent representation.
  • Provide feedback to the Commission as to the effectiveness of its stakeholder consultations and the quality of its communications.
  • Assist with the organisation of consultations, surveys and questionnaires to identify stakeholder opinion concerning the services delivered by the Commissioners.

Advisory Board Terms of Reference

  1. The Commissioners hereby establish the Newlyn Pier and Harbour Commission Advisory Body in accordance with Article 12 of its Harbour Revision Order 2010, which the Commissioners must consult on all matters substantially affecting the harbour.
  2. The Commissioners must take into consideration any matter, recommendation or representation which may from time to time be referred or made to them by an advisory body whether or not that advisory body has been consulted by the Commissioners.
  3. The Advisory Body to the Commissioners therefore is constituted to consider all issues pertinent to the good governance and management of Newlyn Harbour and its related operations and assets, paying particular attention to the role of Newlyn Harbour as a Trust Port.
  4. The Commission and its component Committees are required to consider any recommendations made to them by the Advisory Body, but are not compelled to implement any advice or guidance. They are however expected to provide the Advisory Body with feedback on any advice not implemented.
  5. The Advisory Body established under article 12 of the Harbour Revision Order is to consist of such number of persons appointed by the Commissioners as the Commissioners consider appropriate. The Commissioners have determined that the Advisory Body will consist of a minimum of eight and a maximum of twelve at the point of inauguration.  However, Commissioners will be willing to consider any recommendation from the Advisory Body for additional named members supported by rationale.
  6. Appointments to the Advisory Body are made by the Commissioners in accordance with a scheme prepared by them for that purpose and the scheme must provide for the appointment of persons who, in the opinion of the Commissioners, are representative of persons having an interest in the functioning of the harbour.
  7. The Advisory Body will meet not less than four times a year.
  8. Quorum of the Advisory Body to be four members.
  9. The Advisory Body must appoint a chair from amongst its membership.
  10. An individual member of the Advisory Body may, on giving notice in writing to the chair of that body, send a named substitute to any meeting of the body.
  11. A member of the Advisory Body is to hold office for the period of three years from the date of appointment and at the end of that period is to be eligible for reappointment.
  12. A member of the Advisory Body may resign his office at any time by notice in writing given to the Chair of the Commissioners.


The meetings of the Advisory Body are to be minuted and the minutes are to be available to members of the public.  Minutes are to clearly show matters that are referred to the harbour board for consideration.