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Friday 14 May 2010

The mackerel are back!

Pens at the ready.......
time to bid on these huge John Dorys - known as 'handbags'......
or plenty of mackerel that have put in an appearance again.....
snapped up by Ocean Fish.......
the Elisabeth Veronique landed a good mix of quality fish......
as did Jeff Page on the Shiralee seen here heading to the iceworks.....
a mains'l that wouldn't drop proved something of a problem for this visiting French yacht......
more rubbish on the quay, this time Spanish line gear....... let's hope the pollack make good money for Mr Smith and the boys......
there's a boat's wedding to pay for.......
quay flowers blossom with their own light source.......
one of the few big stern beam trawlers in the UK, the George Johannes is having her bottom done.

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