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Friday 13 November 2009

Green & Black

There's 40 inkwell pots with traps, 60 without and 30 French pots up for sale on 01736 732072...... a case of green and black and grey and black, yes its cuttles time again.....
more black, but this time the food for feline fanciers, blackjack, coley or saithe, much loved by germans but here always sold in the old MacFisheries wet fish shops as plain old cat food, probably because coley always gives off a slight hint of amonia......
the western end of the market was full of fish from just two netters the Gary M and the CKS......
with some good looking tubs to excite the Chelsea gurnard fan club.......
another film crew descended on the market.......
while outside the pace quickened as the box wash team moved in......
and stacked the results alongside the boats ready to go aboard......
back in port again, the Kingfisher from Griffin Towage was the first boat to be featured on the blog on May 6th 2006.

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