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Friday 20 November 2009

Early start - and the hope that a new net sweeps clean

After a night of 50mph plus winds the dawning harbour air is still, though alongside the quay it's a different story as the harbour water surges causing the boats to heave continuously at their mooring ropes......
the boys aboard the Crystal Sea II get off to an early start, using high water.....
to give them the clearnce above the quay in order to get a new net from its crate......
and flaked on to the stern.....
under the watchful eye of skipper David......
after which its time to get the old net off the drum......
things are looking brighter aboard Shaun's shiny new command now that Squirrel (Squirrel Signs 01736 787487) has been and worked his sign-writing magic aboard the latest addition to the litter of cats already in the harbour.....
another old timer gets a step nearer to completion as a freshly painted derrick awaits fitting......
with virtually no fish week the market is now spotless, Dave is left to hose down a few pallets.

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