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Saturday 31 October 2009

Anchovies top the headlines for all the wrong reasons

Two boats and two decent hauls of anchovies off the Devon coast earlier this week prompts an immediate frenzy of mis-reporting in the national press - global warming and an imminent Franco-Spanish fishing invasion to cite just two examples of the need to create rather than report the news. The fish are found well inside any fishing limits and there are records going back years of anchovy being caught around the coast of the UK.

Daily Mail

Time online

Daily Telegraph

and more xenophobia from the Daily Express

and somewhere along the way the fish suddenly become Cornish!


A London Fishmonger said...

Anyhow more importantly what boats are catching these anchovies as would like some?

Kerrie said...

Hi Laurence - thought you might be interested to see my recent post about Newlyn - I've added a link to your blog. Tried to leave a comment on an earlier post but not sure if it went through. www.kerriebowles.blogspot.com

Larry Hartwell - Through the Gaps said...

Hi Kerrie Your comments and sentiments are appreciated round the other side of the world - as a 'ten pound pom' myself I too have fond memories - but they are of the two incredible years I spent as a child in Oz - Dandenong outside Melbourne to be precise - glad you find the pics a way of staying in touch with your family connection.